[1] Going from black to blonde hair is one of the more difficult colour transformations to achieve. This is because black hair is highly pigmented and needs a specialised dyeing process to be lightened to blonde. If you've dyed your hair to the black colour that it currently is, this complicates the process a little more. Either way, as long as your hair is in good condition, both dyed or natural black hair can be taken to a blonde colour. Navigation Introduction Dye process overview Assessing hair condition Dyed black hair differences Lightening hair Choosing bleach Bleach preparation Hair sectioning Bleach application Processing Rinsing Damage repair Toning hair Dye selection Toning dyed black hair Types of dye Dye brands Choosing the right shade Toner application Rinsing After care Colour maintenance The dye process The dye process that is required to go from black to blonde hair requires significant lightening. The amount of lift requir